Thursday, January 17, 2008

A new House, a new job

Talk about a long time no see. It has been over a year since I wrote in this blog. Partially because my stream has been flowing so fast that I could hardly keep up with it, partly because I have been making major changes and not finding (creating) time to write.

I've changed jobs again. From Carlsbad to the Metropolitan Department of Corrections, and on to Value Options, NM also in Albuquerque. I've also moved out of the apartment which sustained me well for almost a year, and into the house that I've always wanted. Granted, it's not the house I chose a year ago, but remember the phrase, "this or something better"? That's what has happened here. I am living in a great two story house with a loft, a huge master bed/bath/walk-in closet suite.
And I'm loving it.